Sandy High School Drama



We are Sandy High School's theatre department in Sandy, Oregon! Here you can find fun and independent theatre learning opportunities, as well as information on classes offered through the department.

You can also read all about upcoming auditions, shows, and take a look at some of our past productions. As we add videos, you can check those out by clicking the Youtube link at the bottom of the page!

Upcoming Shows

SHS Presents Newsies!

Auditions: January 29th and 30th (more audition information here!)

Performances: April 18-19 and 24-26 (more performance information here!)

Want to stay up-to-date on when our shows are happening and when online ticket sales go live? Join our mailing list! We won't spam you, and we'll only send you updates about upcoming shows, promise. Join here!

 Our Classes

Acting Classes

Non-Acting Classes