Fun Links!
Whether you are looking for distance learning, or just some new-to-you theatre-related links to explore, see below for a wide variety of enrichment activities, interesting videos, and knowledge-base-building films relating to our classes.
Theatre- Acting and Tech
As you may already know, Crash Course is a great resource to learn about all sorts of things. And they now have a whole series on theatre!
This is a group that I studied with in New York several years ago, and still take online classes from most summers. They are offering free online lessons/podcasts from Broadway professionals- actors, writers, directors, etc. Definitely worth checking out.
This is a list of things you can do at home to help you hone your craft, beat boredom, and learn more about shows.
A feed of performers posting theatre to share with others.
A project in which 20 writers submitted a monologue and 20 actors then perform and post the performance of said monologue. Lots of well-known theatre folks involved!
For those who want to get or stay in-the-know about Broadway happenings, there are articles to read and regular updates posted.
Kat Steele is an actor/director on the west coast, and she does wonderful videos- she offers tons of advice, gives her thoughts on what’s going on in the theatre world, and does Q&A sessions with fans. I highly recommend checking her out!
American Theatre Wing’s youtube playlist that is all about working in theatre. Each video features a different type of job or style of theatre. This is a really cool look into the professional theatre world!
This is National Theatre’s youtube page. They have full-length performances, as well as ‘how we made it’ videos, which focus on everything from costumes to sets to flying actors in flight rigs.
This is an awesome dance video- it’s one “continuous” dance with 42 different choreographers each doing a small part.
A variation on the theme above, but with 52 choreographers.
Video Production
This link is full of links to videos for student filmmakers, covering everything from how to put together a DIY filmmaking kit to how to shoot great video on a smartphone.
Crash Course also has a ton of videos on different elements of film, and they are all at this link!