
Audition Information

**Auditions will be held on two days: Wednesday January 29th at 3:30 PM, and Thursday January 30th at 3:30 PM, both in the auditorium. Plan to attend only one audition day, not both.


**Callbacks will be held on Friday January 31st at 3:30 PM in auditorium.


**Wear clothes and shoes that allow for easy movement. If you own tap shoes, bring them.


**Auditions are held in three rotations- singing, dancing, and acting. After you fill out your audition form, you will go to one of these three audition stations. After a designated amount of time, you will rotate to the next station, then repeat the process one more time so you have done all three audition stations.

         *Singing auditions consist of learning a piece of music from the show, then rehearsing it and singing it for Mr. Chase. If you are interested in a role that has solos, you must perform this solo. If you are interested in ensemble roles only, you may perform this in small groups.


         *Dance auditions consist of learning a piece of choreography from the show, then rehearsing it and performing it for our choreographer. This will be performed in small groups. This will include a tap sequence- if you have tap shoes, bring them. If you do not, we will have some that people can use. Since these will be shared among people through the day, bring fresh socks to wear- this will keep them as clean as possible for you and others.


         *Acting auditions consist of doing cold readings from the script. You will read several scenes with several different people and get the opportunity to read as multiple characters. 


**It is highly recommended to familiarize yourself with the show ahead of time. If you are in one of my theatre classes, you have read the script in class. If you are not, you can read it on your own via the Drama Club google classroom (see Christina to join if you haven’t already). You can listen to the Broadway cast recording on Spotify, Youtube, etc. At the very least, read some very thorough summaries (available right here!). If you show up and are unfamiliar with the script, your acting audition will not go as well as you want it to.


**Check your calendar for potential conflicts ahead of time, as you will be asked to write down any conflicts you have once you arrive at the audition.


**Dress for movement, have a snack beforehand, and bring water.


Schedule Information:

**Rehearsals will begin February 3rd. We generally rehearse Monday-Thursday, 3:30-6:30 PM.

The first 1-2 weeks will largely be a dance ‘boot camp,’ so plan for that. There may be some Friday and/or Saturday rehearsals as well if needed.


** The show will run two weekends, all shows starting at 7 pm. Performance dates are Friday-Saturday, April 18th-19th and Thursday-Saturday, April 24th-26th.


Participation Requirements:

**All onstage participants need to pay an activity fee. Standard fee is $65, or you can fill out a scholarship form and apply to get the fee reduced to $15. I will have scholarship forms available at our first week of rehearsal. If you fail to take care of your fee in a timely manner, this may prevent participation in the next show.


Attendance/Grades expectations are the same as athletics and other activities:

*Students must demonstrate a high standard of behavior, both on and offstage, in order to participate. Failure to do so may prevent participation.

*Students must pass a minimum of 5 classes the semester prior to the play/musical and be on track to graduate. (If student does not meet this requirement, they can fill out a hardship form and set up a meeting with their counselor and activities director. This does not guarantee participation, but may allow it.)

*Students must attend school the day of a rehearsal or performance to be eligible to participate.  If they have an appointment or reason they have to miss, it must be pre-arranged with Activities Office prior to the date.

*If student falls below passing during the time of the play, they will still be able to participate, but will not be able to participate in the next play if they do not meet eligibility requirements listed above the following semester. 

Questions? See Christina Moroney in the Black Box.

Newsies Show Information



Act One

As Jack Kelly is savoring the last few moments of quiet before the sun rises, he shares with his best friend Crutchie his rooftop view of the city and his dream for a better life out West ("Santa Fe - Prologue"). At dawn, the newsies sing about their life and their work ("Carrying the Banner"), introducing this ramshackle group of young friends. They make their way to the distribution window for the World, where they pick up their daily stacks of papers to sell from Wiesel, who runs the window, and Morris and Oscar Delancey, goons who work for the World. Davey and Les, brothers trying to earn money for their family, meet the newsies and try to learn the ropes. Jack agrees to partner with the boys since Les' young age will help him sell more papers, although Davey is skeptical.

Meanwhile, Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of the World, expresses displeasure at the declining sales of his newspaper and vows to increase profits ("The Bottom Line"), even if it is at the expense of the newsies.

At the end of the day, it's clear that Les is a natural newsie. Before Jack and the brothers can part ways, a man appears and chases Jack. Davey and Les follow Jack's lead, running through the alleys of New York and finding safety in Medda's Theater. Jack introduces them to Medda Larkin, one of the Bowery's most famous performers. Jack explains that the man chasing them is named Snyder; he runs The Refuge, an orphanage that he keeps in squalid conditions and embezzles from. He's had it out for Jack ever since he escaped. Medda offers her theater as a safe haven, and they stay to watch her perform ("That's Rich").

During Medda's performance, Jack notices Katherine, a bright young reporter he had seen earlier that day. A smitten Jack makes several attempts to flirt with her, but Katherine, quick-witted and ever-professional, cleverly rebuffs him. While the Bowery Beauties perform their routine, Jack resorts to sketching a portrait of Katherine ("I Never Planned on You / Don't Come a-Knockin'"), and leaves it for her to find.

The next day, as the newsies gather at the distribution window, the boys are outraged to learn that Pulitzer has increased their price for newspapers - they can barely afford to eat as it is! Prompted by Davey, the newsies decide to form a union and strike ("The World Will Know").

After a successful first day of striking, newly elected union leader Jack Kelly assigns some kids to spread the word to newsies in other boroughs. Katherine arrives, hoping that the newsies will give her an exclusive for the Sun. Jack tells her to be at the distribution window the next morning; not only will the newsies prevent others from selling papers, but they plan to stop the delivery carts as well. He tells her that they all have a lot riding on her reporting skills, and Katherine gets to work writing her breakout article ("Watch What Happens").

The next day, Jack arrives to find that only a few kids have assembled to strike. He urges Davey to convince the small group not to back down. When scabs arrive to take the newsies' place, Jack asks them to stand in solidarity with all the city's exploited working children. The scabs throw down their papers, just in time for Katherine and her photographer to snap a victorious photo ("Seize the Day"). But soon the newsies engage in a fierce fight with the Delanceys, Wiesel, and the police. Snyder scares Jack away, but not before he watches the Delanceys take down Crutchie and carry him off to The Refuge. Reaching the temporary safety of his rooftop, Jack paces, feeling guilty about leading the kids into danger. He looks out over the city and longs to escape ("Santa Fe").

Act Two

Battered and bruised, the newsies lament the previous day's events at Jacobi's Deli. Amid rumors that Jack was captured, several newsies wonder where he is. Katherine arrives with a copy of the story she published in the Sun, complete with a front-page picture of the newsies. Ecstatically, they thank her and celebrate their - and Katherine's - fame ("King of New York"). Meanwhile, Crutchie writes a letter to Jack from The Refuge expressing that he feels no ill will toward Jack and urging the newsies to stick together ("Letter from The Refuge").

Davey, Les, and Katherine find Jack back at Medda's Theater and try to convince him to come back to the fight. Jack refuses, saying that they can't win against a man as powerful as Pulitzer. The three convince Jack that theirs is a fight worth fighting ("Watch What Happens - Reprise"); Jack finally agrees, and the kids plan a rally.

Discovering Katherine's story, Pulitzer furiously resolves to take down Jack. Just then, a cocky Jack arrives to announce the newsies' rally. Pulitzer assures Jack that no paper will cover it - and if it's not in the press, it never happened. He then reveals Katherine, exposing her as his daughter, and Snyder, who emerges from the shadows. Pulitzer offers Jack a choice: get sent to The Refuge or renounce the strike and leave New York with pockets full of cash. The Delanceys escort Jack to the cellar, where an old printing press rests, to ponder his decision ("The Bottom Line - Reprise").

That evening, Brooklyn newsies cross the bridge with Spot Conlon, their leader, to join newsies from every borough at Medda's theater for the rally ("Brooklyn's Here"). Davey gives an inspiring speech, riling up the newsies about their progress. However, Jack appears and tells them to go back to work because they are no match for Pulitzer. Jack accepts his payoff money at the door and exits quickly.

On his rooftop, Jack finds Katherine looking through his drawings of The Refuge's bleak conditions. He snatches them from her and they argue fiercely until she kisses him. Katherine shares her plan to have the newsies distribute an article which quotes Jack on the exploitation of working kids and calls for a citywide strike. Before heading to the old printing press Jack recently discovered, they share their hope in each other ("Something to Believe In").

With the help of Katherine and her well-connected friends, Darcy and Bill, the newsies sneak into Pulitzer's cellar to print their paper ("Once and for All"). The kids distribute the pamphlet all over the city.

Pulitzer's office is flooded with angry calls from every corner of New York. Having read the Newsies Banner, Pulitzer is furious at the kids' attempt to thwart him. Jack, Davey, and Spot show up ("Seize the Day - Reprise") to personally deliver the news and say that the kids are willing to make a compromise. Pulitzer refuses to back down until Governor Roosevelt appears with Katherine and Jack's drawings of The Refuge. Alone, Jack and Pulitzer come to an agreement they can both live with - the price increase is reduced by half, and publishers will buy back any unsold papers. The strike is over!

Outside, Jack announces the end of the strike. Crutchie appears amid the jubilation, followed by a handcuffed Snyder. Despite his dreams for Santa Fe, Jack realizes that the newsies are his family and Katherine gives him something to believe in - so he's staying put for now ("Finale Ultimo").




*A note on gender: All characters must be played as written, however they can be played by actors of any gender. If you can act/sing/dance the part, and you think the role could be a fun one for you, don’t let the gender of the character stop you from auditioning for that role! 

The character’s gender is noted after their name- M, F, or * for gender flexible (which means they can be played as any gender and there are pre-approved line changes already available if needed!)


*A note on accents: All newsies, the Delanceys, and Hannah will have strong New York accents, with Les and Davey’s slightly less pronounced. Nunzio will have an Italian accent, and Jacobi will have an Eastern European accent. Teddy Roosevelt should sound like the real person. All other have no pronounced accent.


The Newsies

  Jack Kelly(M)- The charismatic leader of the Manhattan newsies, he is an orphaned dreamer and artist. Protective and loyal, his tough exterior hides a big heart. (A4-Bb2)

  Crutchie(*)- A dedicated newsie with a bum leg that’s painful, but they don’t let it define them. With a sweet sense of humor and optimistic resilience, Crutchie is the heart of the resistance. (A4-C3)

  Davey(M)- Les’s straight-laced, bright big brother. A leader in his own right who is learning to use his voice to uplift others, Davey is the brains of the resistance. (A4-D3)

  Les(M)- Davey’s cheeky younger brother. Precocious and natural newsie, Les is a pint-sized charmer. He should look younger than the other newsies. (Bb3-Db3)

  Spot Conlon(*)- The proud leader of the Brooklyn newsies, they boast an intimidating reputation and a short singing solo in “Brooklyn’s Here.”

  Other named newsies include Albert(M), Buttons(*), Elmer(M), Finch(*), Henry(M), Ike(M), Jo Jo(*), Mike(M), Mush(M), Race(M), Romeo(M), Specs(*), Splasher(*), and Tommy Boy(M). They are some of the hard-working kids of New York City that go on strike for a livable wage. They all sing and dance. 

  Scabs(*)- Three newsies who are hesitant to join the strike.



Newsie Sympathizers

  Katherine Plumber(F)- An ambitious young reporter, she works hard to make a name for herself as a legitimate journalist in a time when women aren’t taken seriously. (F5-A3)

  Darcy(*) and Bill(M)- Two upper-class kids who side with the newsies.

  Medda Larkin(F)- This big-voiced saloon singer and star of the Bowery offers her theater as a safe haven for the newsies. An astute entertainer with great comic delivery, she’s a friend to Jack and stands behind the newsies in their fight for justice. (E5-F3)



Pulitzer and Associates

  Joseph Pulitzer(M)- A pompous businessman, he owns the World and is concerned solely with the bottom line. Pulitzer doesn’t sympathize with strikers, but he does eventually- grudgingly- respect Jack. (F4-C3)

  Seitz(*)- Pulitzer’s editor. Advises him, but ultimately admires the kids’ newspaper.

  Bunsen(*)- Bookkeeper who comes up with the idea to raise the newsies’ price per paper.

  Hannah(F)- Pulitzer’s practical and insightful secretary.

  Nunzio(M)- Pulitzer’s barber.

  Guard(*)- Removes newsies from Pulitzer’s building.

The Bullies

  Snyder(*)- The crooked and sinister warden of The Refuge, a filthy and horrible orphanage. They are concerned only with catching enough kids to keep the government checks coming.

  Wiesel(M)- Or “Weasel,” runs the distribution window for the World and knows most of the newsies by name. Assisted by the intimidating Delancey brothers, who keep order by any means necessary, Wiesel is Pulitzer’s disgruntled paper-pusher.

  Oscar and Morris Delancey(M)- Tough brothers who work at the distribution window for the World, they are known to use their fists to make a point.

  Goons(M)- assist the Delancey brothers in roughing up the newsies at the end of Act One.




  The Bowery Beauties(F)- Performers at Medda’s theater.

  Stage Manager(*)- Introduces Medda’s act.

  Nuns(F)- Offer breakfast to the newsies.

  Photographer(*)- Takes triumphant photo of the newsies at the end of “Seize the Day.”

  Woman(F)- Newspaper customer that Les sweet talks into buying his last pape.

  Jacobi(*)- Allows the newsies to congregate in their restaurant to plan the strike- when there aren’t paying customers, that is.

  Policemen(M)- Assist Snyder and turn against the newsies in the fight that concludes Act One.

  Mayor(M)- Rebuffs Pulitzer’s attempts to shut down the newsies’ strike.

  Governor Teddy Roosevelt(M)- a well-respected public servant, he inspires Jack to stand up to Pulitzer.

  Newsies(*)- In addition to those listed above, we may have more newsies for the larger group scenes, as well as newsies to represent other boroughs of New York for the rally and finale.




Act 1

·                Santa Fe – Prologue (Jack, Crutchie)

·                Carrying the Banner (Jack, Newsies, Nuns)

·                The Bottom Line (Pulitzer, Seitz, Bunsen, Hannah)

·                Carrying the Banner Reprise (Newsies)

·                That's Rich (Medda)

·                I Never Planned On You / Don't Come a-Knocking (Jack, Bowery Beauties)

·                The World Will Know (Jack, Davey, Les, Crutchie, Newsies)

·                The World Will Know Reprise (Jack, Davey, Les, Newsies)

·                Watch What Happens (Katherine)

·                Seize the Day (Davey, Jack, Les, Newsies)

·                Santa Fe – Reprise (Jack)

Act 2

·                King of New York (Davey, Katherine, Les, Newsies)

·                Letter from the Refuge (Crutchie)

·                Watch What Happens Reprise (Davey, Jack, Katherine, Les)

·                The Bottom Line Reprise (Pulitzer, Seitz, Bunsen)

·                Brooklyn's Here (Spot, Newsies)

·                Something to Believe In (Katherine, Jack)

·                Seize the Day Reprise (Newsies)

·                Once and for All (Jack, Davey, Katherine, Newsies)

·                Seize the Day Reprise 2 (Newsies)

·                Finale Ultimo (Company)